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Developmental psychology


Developmental psychology is a branch of psychology that studies the growth and maturation of an individual over their lifespan.

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Filetype: MP4 - Size: 30 MB - Duration: 17:51m (225 kbps 44100 Hz)
Clinical Psychology


Clinical psychology is a specialized field within psychology that focuses on diagnosing and treating mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders. It encompasses a wide range of theoretical perspectives, therapeutic approaches, and clinical practices aimed

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Filetype: M4A - Size: 28 MB - Duration: 16:53m (227 kbps 44100 Hz)
5. Cases in Clinical Neuropsychology


Clinical neuropsychology is a specialized field within psychology that focuses on understanding the relationship between brain function and behavior. Neuropsychologists assess and treat individuals with neurological conditions or injuries that affect cogn

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Filetype: M4A - Size: 24 MB - Duration: 14:26m (227 kbps 44100 Hz)
Evolution of Behavior and Cognition


The evolution of behavior and cognition is a complex and multifaceted process that encompasses various disciplines, including biology, psychology, anthropology, and neuroscience. This evolutionary narrative is rooted in the principles of natural selection

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Filetype: M4A - Size: 22 MB - Duration: 13:00m (227 kbps 44100 Hz)
Group Dynamics


Group dynamics refers to the interactions and processes that occur between members of a group. It encompasses the behaviors, roles, norms, communication patterns, and relationships within a group, influencing how the group functions as a whole. Understand

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Filetype: M4A - Size: 23 MB - Duration: 13:55m (227 kbps 44100 Hz)
The Magna Carta


The Magna Carta, Latin for "Great Charter," is a foundational document in English legal history. It was signed by King John of England in 1215 under pressure from rebellious barons. The Magna Carta established the principle that everyone, including the ki

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Filetype: M4A - Size: 4 MB - Duration: 8:49m (649 kbps 44100 Hz)
The Sagrenti War


The Sagrenti War, also known as the Sagrenti Expedition, was a significant military campaign that took place in what is now Ghana during the colonial period. This conflict occurred within the broader context of European colonial expansion into West Africa

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Filetype: M4A - Size: 19 MB - Duration: 11:33m (227 kbps 44100 Hz)
Capitalism Vs Communism


Capitalism and communism are two fundamentally different economic and political systems that have shaped much of the modern world's history. Understanding their principles, strengths, and weaknesses is essential for comprehending the dynamics of global po

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Filetype: M4A - Size: 24 MB - Duration: 14:09m (228 kbps 44100 Hz)
Colonization in Ghana


Colonization in Ghana Colonization in Ghana represents a pivotal chapter in the country's history, profoundly shaping its socio-economic, political, and cultural landscape. This period, predominantly under British rule, spanned over seven decades from th

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Filetype: M4A - Size: 20 MB - Duration: 11:54m (227 kbps 44100 Hz)
European Arrival and Exploration


European exploration and arrival in West Africa precisely Ghana, marked a pivotal moment in global history, shaping the region's trajectory and influencing its societies in profound ways. This period, spanning from the 15th to the 19th centuries, was char

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Filetype: M4A - Size: 25 MB - Duration: 14:54m (227 kbps 44100 Hz)

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