In the year 2147, Neo-Terra is a metropolis powered by a rare mineral called Ferrium, granting superpowers to some individuals. Zara Steele, who can manipulate metal, and her friend Marcus, who possesses enhanced strength, are members of the Iron Knights, a group fighting against the corrupt Syndicate. During a mission to stop the Syndicate from developing a dangerous Ferrium weapon, they face off against Alaric, the Syndicate's leader, who can unleash EMP blasts that disrupt Zara's powers.After a fierce battle, Zara regains control and helps Marcus defeat Alaric, but not without significant challenges. The reactor powering the Syndicate's weapon explodes, destroying their base. Though victorious, Zara and Marcus realize the fight for Neo-Terra is far from over. United by their bond and determination, they prepare to continue their battle against corruption in their city.
Seller Price | GHC 9 |
Added | 12 Aug, 2024 |
University | KNUST |
Course | Novel |