Social justice refers to the concept of fair and just relations between individuals and society. It involves addressing issues like equality, human rights, access to resources, and opportunities for all people, regardless of their background or identity.
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Nutrition and dentition are closely related aspects of overall health and well-being. Nutrition refers to the process by which organisms obtain and utilize nutrients necessary for growth, maintenance, and repair of tissues. Dentition refers to the arrang
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The eye is a complex sensory organ responsible for vision in most vertebrates and some mollusks. Its main parts include the cornea (transparent outer layer), iris (colored part controlling pupil size), lens (focuses light onto the retina), retina (light-s
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Leaf venation is like the roadmap of a leaf, showing how the veins are arranged. Plant cells are like the building blocks of plants, each with a specific job to keep the plant healthy and growing. It's like a team effort in the plant world.
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Flowering plants, also known as angiosperms, are the most diverse group of plants on Earth. They produce flowers, which are the reproductive structures that eventually develop into fruits containing seeds. Flowering plants play a crucial role in ecosystem
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Digestion is when your body breaks down food. The stomach has different parts that help with this process. When you eat, food goes into the stomach, which has three main parts: the fundus, the body, and the antrum. These parts work together to mix the foo
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Plants have different types of tissues that do different jobs. The main ones are dermal tissue, which covers the plant and protects it, ground tissue that does photosynthesis and support, and vascular tissue that helps transport water, nutrients, and suga
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Digestion is the process where your body breaks down food into smaller parts so your body can absorb nutrients. It starts in the mouth where food is chewed and mixed with saliva, then moves to the stomach where it's broken down further by stomach acids
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Competitive advantage refers to the unique strengths or attributes that enable a business to outperform its competitors. It allows a company to create superior value for customers and achieve a sustainable position in the market. Competitive advantages ca
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Pricing in the study of marketing is a multifaceted concept that plays a critical role in determining the success and profitability of products and services in the market. It encompasses various strategies, theories, and considerations that businesses uti
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